We already know the primary and other utility providers in peninsula Malaysia from previous post. If not, feel free to read it. Before starting, let's review the 3 categories of utility providers available in peninsular Malaysia again.
Primary Utility Providers (Whole Peninsula)
Other Utility Providers (Whole Peninsula)
Utility Providers by State and District
In peninsular Malaysia there are 12 states and 92 districts. There are utility providers that are responsible for the entire state and there are also those that only take care of the districts.
Utility Providers by State
The utility providers responsible for the state is the water operator. Water management is under the State Government or state subsidiaries or some are also under private companies. Therefore, water tariffs are not the same and there are also states that subsidize its residents.
The following is a list of water companies by state;
1. Perlis
Syarikat Air Perlis Sdn Bhd (SAP) had successfully undertook the corporatisation process of Bahagian Bekalan Air JKR Perlis (BBA) on 1st January 2015. BBA is a section of JKR Perlis responsible to manage water services in Perlis until the corporatisation date and sanctioned by SPAN as operator of public water supply system (individual license).
2. Kedah
Syarikat Air Darul Aman Sdn Bhd (SADA) had successfully undertook the corporatisation process of Jabatan Bekalan Air Negeri Kedah (JBA). SADA is a company that supplies treated water to the state of Kedah.
3. Pulau Pinang
Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang Sdn Bhd (PBA). PBA is the licensed water supply operator that serves the State of Penang. It is a 100% owned subsidiary of PBA Holdings Bhd, which is listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia. Corporatised in 1999, PBA commemorated 20 years of public service for the benefit of Penang and its people in 2019.
4. Perak
Lembaga Air Perak (LAP) a corporation established under the Perak Water Board Enactment 1988 for the purpose of providing water supply services in the state of Perak. LAP was established on 1 January 1990. Prior to the establishment of LAP, water supply services in Perak were initially carried out by the Jabatan Kerja Raya Perak (JKR) and later by the Jabatan Bekalan Air Perak (JBA).
5. Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya
Pengurusan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Air Selangor) is the largest water operator in Malaysia, distributing clean and safe treated water to approximately 8.4 million consumers in Selangor, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya began on 13 September 2019, following the restructuring of the state water service industry.
6. Negeri Sembilan
Syarikat Air Negeri Sembilan Sdn Bhd (SAINS) was transformed into a private company on 19 September 2008. SAINS has been entrusted to take over the role and function of water supply system management in Negeri Sembilan from the Jabatan Bekalan Air Negeri Sembilan (JBA) from 1 January 2009.
7. Melaka
Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad (SAMB) was incorporated on 1 July 2006, formerly Perbadanan Air Melaka which has undergone a transformation. This privatization was taken to improve water supply services to the consumers of the state in line with the aspirations of the Federal Government through privatization.
8. Johor
Ranhill SAJ Sdn Bhd (SAJ), a subsidiary of Ranhill Utilities Berhad is an integrated water supply company, involved in the process of water treatment and distribution of treated water to consumers. Well-established as an integrated water supply company, Ranhill SAJ manages and operates potable water supply in the State of Johor.
9. Pahang
Pengurusan Air Pahang Berhad (PAIP) was officially established on 1 February 2012 through the corporatisation of the Jabatan Bekalan Air Pahang (JBA) and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Pahang State Government. With the corporatisation of JBA, the State Government has officially handed over the operation of treating, supplying, cleaning and collecting water revenue from the sale of clean water which has been handled by JBA to PAIP.
10. Terengganu
Syarikat Air Terengganu Sdn Bhd (SATU) was established on 18 November 1997. SATU aims to be the main water supplier in the state of Terengganu. SATU vision is to maintain quality clean water and continuously improve the quality of services to meet the needs and demands of consumers.
11. Kelantan
Air Kelantan Sdn Bhd (AKSB) was established by the Kelantan state government after taking the decision to privatize water supply management in Kelantan through the establishment of a joint venture company owned by Yayasan Kelantan Darul Naim (YAKIN) and Thames Water PLC. AKSB became fully operational on 1 October 1995 after taking over all responsibilities from the Jabatan Bekalan Air (JBA).
Utility Providers by District
The authority in each district are referred to as Local Authority known as Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT). Their responsibility is to provide public facilities for the locals. The table below shows the number of PBT by state provided by the Jabatan Kerajaan Tempatan (JKT). More info KPKT@JKT
For more information and directories for each PBT, find here
1) Electricity
PBT are the owners of utilities such as electricity that supply street lights and public facilities for roadside advertisements, billboards, buildings, traffic lights, signages, bus-stops and telephone kiosks or for decorating the facade of buildings.
To identify whether it is under its maintenance we can distinguish it by looking at the logo or name of the PBT found on the lamp posts or electrical cabinets. If there is complaints, we need to contact the PBT unless there is a logo or name of TNB or JKR.
2) Telecommunication
Not many states or district have their own telecommunication cable, it often involves urban areas. These telecommunication cable functions are commonly used for CCTV, traffic control, public transport control, Variable Message Sign (VMS) for information as well as related sensors.
This refers to the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur under the authority of the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) which is operated by ITIS.
Integrated Transport Information System (ITIS) is the right-hand of Traffic Management Centre (TMC) which serves as traffic management hub to process and spread or distribute the latest updates of traffic data.
ITIS plays a role to manage, monitor, collect and disseminate the up-to- date traffic information from times to times to citizens via DBKL’s strategic partner which are Jabatan Siasatan Penguatkuasaan Trafik Kuala Lumpur (JSPTKL), Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA), and radio station to share the information and logistic.
ITIS also responsible to manage 642 computerized traffic light intersection that are dynamic and intelligent based on current situation by using two types of traffic light control system. More about ITIS
Utility Providers by State and District